Friday, April 15, 2011


Lacey's sister Bethany came by and participated in a few of the photos. So fun shooting sisters!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Lacey's Senior Pictures

DISCLAIMER: This post is huge! But seriously how can you choose just a few images when you spend an entire fun-filled day taking pictures of someone as beautiful as Lacey? I was nervous going into the shoot because this was my first senior session. It was laid back and so fun! Thank you Lacey for being patient and smiling for what I know felt like hours! Here's a look at a few (I mean ton) of my favorites...

Thank you to Lacey & her family for spending the day with us on Sunday. We had so much fun!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Family Photos

Remember Lily? The little lady that stuck out freezing rain for a few pictures before Christmas? Well she's back and cuter than ever! She now has a precious new baby brother, Levi. We were able to spend an hour today taking a few pictures of the new family of four :)